Energy Conversion Laboratory
Catalog Description:
Operation, testing, and applications of energy conversion machines including AC and DC motors and generators; experiments on magnetic circuits and transformers. (1 Credit)
Prerequisite & Corequisite:
EEL 4410, EEL 4213
Energy Conversion laboratory student manual (two parts), O. A. Mohammed, available either for purchase or download from the website.
Learning Outcomes:
- Practical application and conducting of hands-on experiments relating to the topics covered in the lectures.
- Understanding the concepts of energy conversion and the operation of energy conversion devices.
- Understanding of various equivalent circuits of energy conversion devices and their set-up for experimentation.
- Understanding how to determine the circuit parameters and their design limits.
- Understanding of how to setup to determine performance measures.
Topics Covered:
The general areas to be covered with experiments are:
- Magnetic circuits and transformers: Transformer operations, connections, equivalent circuits, testing and practical use.
- Alternating current machines-operation, testing and practical use.
- Synchronous machines: Operation, excitation, equivalent circuits, testing and practical use.
- Direct current machines: Operation, connections, equivalent circuits, control and applications.
- Induction machines-Models, equivalent circuits, control and applications.
- Single-phase machines-special machines and applications.
Particular care must be taken with the use of electric power. A misunderstanding of the risk may lead to serious injury and even fatal consequences. Before energizing any new experiment be sure of your connections. Understand and identify the maximum values expected. Any excess may produce personal injury as well as physical damage to the equipment. Any uncertainty must be cleared by the instructor prior to proceeding.
Class Schedule:
Once a week, 120 minutes each session
Contribution of course to meeting the professional component:
Engineering Design
Relationship of course to program outcomes:
In the course EEL 4213L the student will have to show
- An ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data
- An ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within
- Realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability
- An ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems
- An ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering
- An ability to apply knowledge of advanced math (D.E., Linear Algebra, Complex Variables, Discrete Math)
Person(s) who prepared this description and date of preparation:
Osama Mohammed, Professor – August 2024
Professor Osama A. Mohammed
Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering
Room EC-3951
Florida International University
Miami, Florida 33174 USA
Tel: +1 (305) 348-3040 (Office)
Fax: +1 (305) 348-3707 (Office)
Tel: +1 (305) 348-6194 (Lab)