This model consists of two D.C. power supplies rated for supplying d.c. power to the Hampden Series 100 frachional horsepower machines and for general laboratory applications. One supply is positioned above the other supply and each consists of a voltage control knob, two pin jacks, and two circuit breakers.

The voltage control knobs include a scale ranging from 0 to 10 and are used to set the desired voltage of the supply. The pin jacks are used to make the appropriate connections from the supply to the circuit or device being supplied. One pin jack is red and represents the positive terminal of the supply and the other pin jack is black and is the negative terminal of the supply. The two circuit breakers are used to “turn on” the supply as well as protect the supply in case of overload. One breaker is designated PR1 (primary) and the other breaker is designated SEC (secondary). The upper supply is rated at 150 volts and 1 amp and the lower supply is rated at 125 volts and 5 amps. These ratings are the maximum d.c. voltage and current values that the supply can provide.

D.C. Power Supply-Model HMD-100-PPC-DC

D.C. Power Supply-Model HMD-100-PPC-DC


  1. Before touching the supply or making any connections, make sure that the “MAIN A.C. CIRCUIT” breaker, located on the A.C. power supply panel, is OFF. Also make sure BOTH breakers for BOTH supplies (marked “PRI.” and “SEC.” are OFF.
  2. Select the power supply appropriate for the experiment.
  3. Connect the “positive” line of the circuit or device to the red pin jack and the negative line to the black pin jack of the supply selected, using the proper leads.
  4. Connect a voltmeter across the supply, i.e., positive terminal of voltmeter to the red pin jack and the negative terminal to the black pin jack (both connections will be “piggy-backed” on the connections made in step 2).
  5. Make sure the voltage control knob of the supply is set to zero.
  6. “Turn on” the MAIN A.C. breaker. Next turn on the PRI. breaker then the SEC. breaker of the supply.
  7. Turn the voltage control knob to obtain the desired voltage.
  8. If the supply is overloaded, one or both breakers of the supply should “trip” resulting in a cut-off of power. If this occurs, turn the voltage control knob fully counter-clockwise, set both breakers (PRI. and SEC.) to OFF and set the MAIN A.C. breaker to OFF. Contact your Lab Supervisor to determine the cause of the overload BEFORE YOU PROCEED.