Who Should Take this Course:
- FIU Electrical and Computer Engineering Students who took EEL4213, EEL4214 and EEL4215 and Graduate Students in the field.
- Students at other Universities in Florida or out of State with the course’s prerequisites or equivalent.
- Engineers and technical personnel in Industry.
- Engineers and technical staff who want to keep current and reach a deep understanding of energy and its utilization.
- Look at the electrical and non-electrical components affecting the power system operation
- Look and Basic Facts, Issues and Questions affecting the system operation
- Technical issues in Power system operation and control.
- Identify regulatory and policy issues affecting the power system operation
- Look at many of the recent Developments in power systems
- Discuss and include many of the current issues in operation of power systems
Course Topics:
- Computers in Power Systems and their Tasks
- Network Modeling and Analysis
- Transmission System Development
- Load Flow Techniques and System Component Modeling
- Structure of the Computer Program and Performance of Algorithms
- AC-DC Load Flow and Energy Link Modeling
- Faulted System Studies, Relays and unbalanced faults
- Power System Stability Modeling
- Power system stability-advanced component modeling
- Static V AR Compensation Systems
- Analysis of electromagnetic transients
- Analysis of harmonic propagation, Harmonic Power Flow and THD reduction
- Advanced Topics (See list for PhD students)
- Selected lecture notes by Professor Mohammed and other demonstration material and examples will be made available at the above Web site and/or in class.
- The Electric Power Engineering Handbook. CRC / IEEE Press, 2000.
- Power System Analysis, Hadi Saadat, 2nd Edition, McGraw-Hill, 2002.
- Power System Analysis, 2nd Edition, Arthur R. Bergen and Vijay Vittal, Prentice-Hall, 1999.
- Power Systems Analysis John J. Grainger and William D. Stevenson McGraw-Hill, 1994.
- Elements of Power Systems Analysis, 4th Edition, William D. Stevenson, McGraw-Hill, 1982.
- Electrical Energy Systems Theory, Olle Elgerd, McGraw-Hill, 1971;
- Power Systems Analysis, Charles Gross, John Wiley & Sons, 1979
- Power System Analysis & Design, J.D. Glover and M. Sarma, 2nd Edition, PWS Publishers, 1994
- Recent books related to Alternate Energy Sources.
Technical Articles:
Appropriate lists and copies of technical papers will be made available or listed for your collection. A list of Recent text-books and other technical record will be suggested to you. However, you are also required to research and obtained other pertinent materials related to the topics covered.
Please try to see Dr. Mohammed during his listed office hours or through the communication forum on the web page. If this proves impossible, a personal appointment should arranged by calling my direct phone number or the ECE department secretary at extension (305-348-2807).
Class attendance is very important and is considered in your overall performance in the course. Students are responsible for all material covered in that class.
Important Rule:
Students are encouraged to discuss the course topics with the professor and with each other. Any work submitted (Homework, Tests, projects, etc.) should be pledged and signed as the students’ own work, and that there is no any unauthorized help was obtained. Plagiarism is never allowed. Please make sure you do not copy ideas or words of others. Violators will be subject to academic misconduct, which might lead to dismissal from the university.
Computer and Hardware tools available at the Energy Systems Research Laboratory
- MatLab/Simulink
- Power World
- Power Factory
- Test Models
Hardware Facilities
- Electric Drives Laboratory
- Embedded System and Controller Development Environment (dSpace)
- Smart Grid Test Bed Laboratory
Grading Policy:
Homework and projects will be assigned regularly, collected and graded. Efforts in homework indicate that you are studying and caring about the course and therefore can have an impact on your final grade. Any work submitted must be neat and detailed for partial mark. Your Grade will be calculated as Follows:
- There is NO traditional written exam unless you do not perform according to class project progress requirements.
- The final grade is a combination of grades for
- Presentation on a given topic related to the course material (40%)
- Completing of a Technical article to be submitted or review for a major conference or a journal by the end of the term (40%)
- Pro-active attitude during lectures, discussions of progress and class attendance (20%)
Term Projects (Papers) and Requirements for Students by Degree
Terms and Conditions for MS Students:
- Paper 8-10 Pages (IEEE Paper Format)
- Presentation 20 minutes
- One or two Students
- Paper should be submitted for review
- Effort Progress every two weeks (written report and meeting with professor)
Terms and Conditions for PhD Students:
- Paper 8-10 Pages (IEEE Paper Format)
- Presentation 20 minutes (Midterm and Final)
- One Student (Special Cases may be approved for two students)
- Paper should be submitted for peer review to a journal or a major conference
- Effort Progress every two weeks (written report and meeting with professor)
Some Suggested Topics For Final Paper for MS Students:
- Distributed Generation, Energy Efficiency, Renewable Energy Sources
- Exploring Grid Operations with PowerWorld
- Exploring Power Systems and Power Electronics Transients With PSCAD/EMTDC
- Designing A Distribution System
- Harmonic Propagation Analysis (Using PSpice, MathCAD or other software)
- Power Quality Survey/Diagnostic at Energy Systems Laboratory (Using Fluke meters)
- Perspectives on Deregulation of the Power Utility Industry
- Environmental Impact of Power Systems
- Using the Internet for Power Systems Monitoring
Some Suggested Topics For Final Paper for PhD Students
- Energy Forecasting
- Wind Energy (on land, off shore)
- PV (solar and thermal, farms, large scale)
- Load Forecasting
- Long Term (planning)
- Short Term (operation)
- Use of Smart Meter Data
- Energy Smart Home and Smart Businesses Utilization
- Evaluation of Reliability with and without Alternate Energy
- Stats Estimation
- Static Security Assessment
- Dynamic Security Assessment
- Energy Storage
- Battery Modeling and its Physics
- Ultra-capacitors
- Charging and Discharging
- Combined Operation for Special Load Behaviors
- Real Time Monitoring and Measurements (Advanced SCADA)
- Real Time Protection
- Digital Relaying
- Computer Relaying
- Relaying Standards
- System Operation with Phasor Measurement Devices
- Long Term Planning with alternate energy
- System Operation with Micro-Grids
- Unit Commitment with Alternate Energy Sources
- Fuel Source Coordination
- Economic Operation with multiple generation
- Economics Operations with Alternate Energy Sources
- Environmental Dispatch and Cost Functions
- Cost of Utilizing Alternate Energy in Utility Systems
- Cost of Utilizing Alternate Energy in Industrial Load Systems
- Cost of Utilizing Alternate Energy in Residential Load Systems
- Energy Market Development
- Large Scale Utilization of HEV
- FACTS, SVC and their role in System Operation
- DC Distribution and Energy Links to AC systems
- Protection of DC Distribution Systems under Special Loading Conditions
- Heavy Loading
- Sensitive Systems
- Multiple Sources in Use
- Economic Limits
- Energy Conservation Issues
- Savings
- Smart Appliances
- Costs and various modes of Operation
- Connection to Utility System
- Utilization Data
- Intelligent Techniques
- Neural Networks
- Stochastic and Evolutionary Methods
- Applications to many of the above Power System Topics
Professor Osama A. Mohammed
Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering
Room EC-3983
Florida International University
Miami, Florida 33174 USA
Tel: +1 (305) 348-3040 (Office)
Fax: +1 (305) 348-3707 (Office)
Tel: +1 (305) 348-6194 (Lab)
e-mail: mohammed@fiu.edu