This project presents a performance analysis of wind-powered self-excited induction generator (SEIG) and a vector-controlled PWM converter. Three-phase voltage-source converters are the building blocks of a large number of power electronic systems. The origin of difficulties in the control of the above converters is in their nonlinear nature. The PWM current control technique is used to derive the switching signals for the converter. Closed-loop control of the converter utilizes a conventional proportional integral (PI) controller. The proportional plus integral (PI) current controllers in d-q axes are designed and analyzed to meet the time domain specification: minimum overshot, minimum settling time and minimum steady-state error. After that a PI voltage controller is designed to accomplish the specifications of the voltage control loop based on the dynamic of the DC-link. The main advantages for this system are: (1) economic utilization of the wind generator by insuring unity power factor operation under different possible conditions, (2) Full control of active and reactive power injected into the dc-bus, and (3) Ability to compensate voltage disturbance due to loading effect. In order to examine the dynamic performance of the system, its model was simulated and results were analyzed. The simulation and experimental results are presented. The experimental results were obtained using dSpace DS1104 R&D controller board which confirms good performance of the proposed control system and agree with the simulation results. The results verify the validity of the proposed model and show practical promise in sustainable energy applications. This work has been published for PESGM 2010 conference, IEEE, Minneapolis, USA, vol., no., 25-29 Jul. 2010. Furthermore, the paper has been awarded the 3rd place for IEEE PES Student Technical Poster Competition Award (more than 500 student contribute in this competition), July 2010.